Pan-Dorset and Wiltshire Teaching Partnership Masterclass: The Other Side of the Story: Perpetrators in Change (OSSPC)

Monday October 11th, 2021, 10:00 am – 11:30 am, Dr. Jade Levell and Dr. Orlanda Harvey held an online Masterclass based on the findings of the “Time for Change: Evidence Bases research for new practice approaches”, which was conducted by Bournemouth University within the OSSPC project. The aim of the research was to investigate, map, and comparatively analyse current work with perpetrators in Cyprus, UK, Italy, Greece and Romania, in order to estimate the scale of the problem; provide a needs assessment; and suggest relevant perpetrator programme for professionals in the form of non-criminal justice intervention/voluntary perpetrator programmes.  

The Masterclass was divided in two parts:

Part one: Working with the Perpetrators

This session focused on exploring some of the findings of the research within the OSSPC project and gave participants the opportunity to help discuss some of the challenges faced when addressing the behaviour of perpetrators whilst supporting victim/survivors of DVA. The session also contained social worker practice tips and tools when working with perpetrators.

Part two:

This session concentrated on offering brief updates in Domestic Abuse legislation and hosting a discussion between a social worker and a mother who experienced domestic abuse. Social Worker practice tips and tools working with adults who are experiencing domestic abusive relationships were also offered to participants. They also informed the participants regarding the types of support they offer in Wiltshire BCP and Dorset.



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This website was funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)