Bournemouth University, one of the partners in our project "The other side of the story: perpetrators in change" (OSSPC) have completed the focus group aspect of the fieldwork project. Seven online focus groups were held

with a total of thirty-three participants. A range of professionals took part from across the UK, including social workers, midwives, local council employees and specialised domestic violence victim and perpetrator support workers. What became clear throughout the groups was that there is a real desire to create positive and funded pathways for abusive partners to access support to change.

They discussed lots of different barriers to support, as well as some good practice examples of where the system is working. "We are excited to share these findings with our EU partners". Dr. Jade Lewell, Bournemouth University.


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This website was funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)